October 29, 2007

New Thoughts

In honor of Nano, I have scraped The Trial and changed the series a great deal. But, I like it and I believe that there will be a set number of books. The jury is still out on that. The series will still be called Heaven and Hell. But now the first book is ‘Heaven’s Door‘. And it’s not what you’re thinking.

Yesterday, my daughter and I went to the oldest cemetery around. The last time a person buried there was in 1900. I’ll post some pictures as soon as I get them back. Getting ready for Samhain. I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting over the last month and I’ve set some new goals in many areas of my life.

Happy Halloween!

October 22, 2007

NANO 2007

In ten days the Hell begins!!!!! I'm under la burton if anyone wants to be my friend.

October 17, 2007


As you all know, I’ve been working on my Heaven and Hell series. I love the concept and plot. But, I just can’t get into the revisions that I’m doing. In my head, the changes and fixes seem doable but in another part of my head, it is overwhelming. What can I do to get these changes done and get this novel going?

I keep taking more notes and doing more edit, which seems to be making the whole process worse. Again I think I’m making it worse for myself because I still haven’t heard from any of the publishing houses. I need HELP!!!!!!!!!

In other parts of my life have been a little better. Everything in my life seems to be in neutral. I know in my head that I’ve got to get moving on both of my series. But the harder I try the more it seems like I’m running in mud and I’m getting aggravated about everything.

In better news I started reading this book. ‘Healthy Living from the Inside Out’ by Mariel Hemingway. It touches on mind, diet, spiritual and home. This has made me want to train to become a High Priestess.

October 09, 2007

Winds of Change

Today I finished bringing in all my summer things and almost finished my Halloween decorating. My favorite time of the year. I enjoy opening my windows and having a chill in the air. All I have to do is find a Reaper to put in the front yard.

In other news, I finally fixed the opening of The Trial and I’m happy with it. I’m going for a darker story, so there are a few changes to the storyline that has to be made. I’ve also went back to work on True Path. You regular readers will know that is my next Logan book. Now is the time to kick myself in the ass and buckle down to get something done.

Well I don’t think that I’ve mentioned this before but my daughter will be going to Washington D.C. next month for three days. I’m excited for her but as a mother I will worry way too much. So, she is pretty much ready to go and she’s counting down the days.

I still haven’t heard anything yet but my psychic friend says this is my time. So everyone keep your fingers crossed.

October 02, 2007

OH CRAP!!!!!!!!!

Your not so friendly neighborhood horror writer here. I’ve been an empath for a long time and lately it’s been driving me nuts. Well let's just says that the people around me aren’t filled with warm and fuzzy feelings. And, to top it all off, I haven’t heard anything about my book on submission. Please everyone send some good vibes.

My research is pretty much over and I’m back to work on ‘The Trial’. I do miss Logan and everyone. I just may try to work on two novels at a time. Something fun that my daughter and I are going to do. We live by one of the oldest cemeteries around. In a couple of weeks, we are going to go there and take pictures and do tombstone rubbings. I know I’m a little morbid. I’ll try to post picture when I’m done.

Another thing is I’ve been smoke free for 9 ½ months. Well let’s just say some days are worse than others are.