January 21, 2009

New Beginnings

As I step back from my writing and watch our new President takes office. Everyone around the world is watching. All day I’ve seen clips from the great Martin Luther King’s words fill the screen. If anyone can pull this country together, President Obama can. A man that is white, African American, a man with the energy to get the job done and the determination to do. I’ve heard it many many times today, ‘We are proud to be Americans’.

He makes you want to get out in the community and help. I’ve noticed commercials on TV about working together and volunteering in the community. I’ve even seen the President in one. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen a President on TV without it being an election year. It’s very hopeful.

I’ll get off my soapbox. Before anyone asks about the picture and my name, copyrights I haven’t heard anything yet. But, as soon as I hear something, I’ll post it. In the coming weeks, you’ll start seeing a change or two. Please let me know what works and what doesn’t.

January 10, 2009

Lesson Learned

As writers, we all protect our ideas furiously so when we find out that someone is using our creation it’s like a blow to our gut. Best case and point is Stephanie Meyers and her Twilight series, someone leaked her unfinished work onto the internet. Whether it was done or not is beside the point. No one has the right to your writing, art or poetry or whatever it may be without your explicit permission.

Only a precious few get to see my writing and to make my blog look more professional I paid an artist to create a character portrait of my main character. Now the artist is selling my characters picture on mouse pads. The only problem is that she is selling them with my name. It’s totally uncool and my agent is looking into legal steps.

What I’m trying to say is guard your precious work with everything you got. Be very careful who you trust.

Helpful Hints

Every once in a while search your name on the web.

Also, search your main characters name and/or series name.

Protect your material, book covers, character pictures and name.

If your name or character is being used without, your consent don’t let it go.

Find out your legal rights.