December 21, 2007

Merry Yule

Just wanted to wish all my fellow witches, bloggers and writers a Happy Holiday. See you next week. Be safe.

December 15, 2007

I'll be Home for Christmas

I’m finished with Yule gifts, sent Christmas cards and baked. I’m listening to the saddest Christmas song of all. I’ll be Home for Christmas by Bing Crosby. I love the song but it reminds me of things that we can never get back. A favorite relative that passed away, families moving away or in my case grown apart.

Christmas Past* my favorite Christmas that I always recall when the season rolls around is when I was fourteen. My entire family got together for two days. We sang, played games and for a short time got along. Now I haven’t seen most of my family for over 2 years. I’m the black sheep of my family and was kicked out. I don’t mind really. Nevertheless, when this time of year rolls around I long to have my family.

I’m sorry for bringing my loyal bloggers down. On to something different. Over on Kim smith’s blog she asked her readers what their New Year’s Resolution was for the coming year. I don’t make Resolutions I don’t keep them. I call it setting goals for the coming year. I know same thing. But, here’s my list.

* Sell my Logan Wolf series by July 2008. If it doesn’t sell, take a serious look at career.
* Get fit and healthy. Which in turn I’ll lose weight.
* Make new friends and stop being a loner.
* Create a schedule.

What about you?

December 10, 2007


I’ve mentioned this before I’m sure. But, I don’t like this time of year. Right now, I’m just focusing on getting Heaven’s Door written. It’s as if this time of year my brain turns to mush.

Okay, I’m done bitching. I haven’t heard anything lately on my submission. I pray to the Gods that I hear some good new soooooon. I’ve been baking a lot of cookies and brownies but when they’re gone no more baking.

I’m trying to get on some sort of schedule. Not the easiest thing to do. How are everyone’s plans for the holidays coming a long?