February 17, 2009

Turn of Events

Well after a lot of research and reading, I’ve decided to self-publish. I know what everyone is thinking. You’ll never be picked up by a large publishing house and if I can’t make my career happen well I don’t deserve it. But, trust me I’ve got the determination to make it a go.

Even if you don’t agree with my decision that’s fine but I highly recommend two books for you read and take notes on. The first is ‘Self-Publishing Manual’ by Dan Poynter and the other ‘The Well-Fed Self-Published’ by Peter Bowerman. The information in these books will help the traditional published and the self-published. Reading these two books I’ve learned more than I did in seven years that I’ve been writing. If you never read anything else that I recommend please read these two books.

One thing that surprised me was some of the people who self-published amazed me. Everyone from Mark Twain, which didn’t surprise me because I knew he did but M J Rose and many others. I would be proud to join their ranks.

February 02, 2009

New Start

As writers when we find that hard to get, rare species known as the, Agent we sit back and let them handle the business side of our career so we can stick to the creative side of writing. If any of you have stopped at J. A. Konrath’s blog, you will learn many things about the business side of our industry everything from writing a great query letter to book signings.

I think that it’s important to know and understand what your agent is doing to get your work sold and what to expect after you’ve signed your contract. After a lot of thought, I’ve come to the conclusion that I will be parting from my agent. Before anyone asks, I won’t be answering any question as to why I’ve made this decision.

At least now, at this stage of my writing career I have complete control over my own destiny. And, right now, I’m okay with that. I will give you more information soon as to how I’m going to proceed. It may surprise you.