March 06, 2009


Sorry for the long absents but I have had a lot research on self-publishing. Let me tell you there is a lot. I can’t help but wonder why in the field movies and music the creative person can basically self publish and they’re looked at as innovative but in writing, it’s so frowned upon. If you do it with the conviction of a traditional represented writer you can put out a high quality product.

I’m back to editing SoM and I’ve found a phenomenal artist to do my cover. I can’t wait to see it. As I started down this path I became over whelmed with the enormous task of everything that had to be done so I stepped back took a deep breath and came back with open eyes. After many lists I have a plan.

This path that I decided to go down I have no doubt that it is where I’m suppose to be. I just hope that things will go how I have them planed.


At March 07, 2009 7:56 AM , Blogger Naomi said...

Cover art is basically the thing that excites me the most about being published, lol. Can't wait to see it!

At March 07, 2009 11:54 AM , Blogger Kim Smith said...

Pulling for you L. Keep us posted.

At March 07, 2009 6:57 PM , Blogger LA Burton said...

I discussed the basic idea with Kimi, the artist, but I can't wait to see it.

I'll be posting it.

At March 11, 2009 11:07 PM , Blogger Valintine Pawson said...

Well the answer to your questions is cost. "self publishing" a movie is still damned expensive. You can self publish a book for nothing at all (provided you don't get an isbn and do the cover free or yourself, etc).

Plus the general image of film making is that it takes likes of work (and lots of people) where as the view of writing is that anyone can do it, just sit down and string words together.

Generally you have to be more dedicated to self publish a film, but just because you self publish a book doesn't mean you are less dedicated.


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