November 26, 2007

Yule already?

I’ve officially given up on Nano. The damn site will not let me on. Happy Holidays to all. I hope that everyone had a good and filling Thanksgiving dinner. Now it’s called how many recipes can you come up with for leftover turkey? I have decorated my house for Yule. Everything is in some shade of green, red or white.

I have also started my Yule shopping. I’m making some headway in Heaven’s Door. I’ve actually placed my MC, Diana, here in happy Cleveland. Although I live south of Cleveland but I was born there.

How is everything with you all?

November 13, 2007

Nano update

Hey all. I’m still alive just working, preparing my daughter for her class trip to Washington DC and get ready for the holidays. Just a quick mention about the WGA strike, I totally support the writers. I wish them all the luck in the world.

Nano is going well, I should be able to update you all soon. How is everyone else doing on his or her word count? I will know mine when I get all the words typed into the computer. I also wanted to inform you all that Kensington rejected Logan. Nevertheless, no tears we have several others to hear from. I’ll never give up on Logan. I truly believe that there’s a market for her.

November 01, 2007


If you would like to see more of my pictures. This is a cemetery not far from my house. It was establishe in 1818.
Also I won't be around much due to the Nano.