October 31, 2006

Tag I'm it!

I have, I think, a very interesting post for today, but first . . . I've been tagged by EJ Knapp. He is a dear friend from the forum Backspace. The tag he sent me? Write five interesting or unique things about me. I don’t know if I can come up with anything interesting about myself but here goes.

1. I’m a very superstitious person. I knock on wood, throw salt over my shoulder and will not walk under a ladder.

2. I’m scared of the dark and will not walk past a dark room and look in. I cannot watch the movie the Exorcist. It scares the piss out of me.

3. The Wizard of Oz use to scare me as a child. Especially the green witch. I had nightmares for a week after that.

4. I have on sense of smell at all.

5. I wouldn’t eat beef until the birth of my daughter. I like my steaks bloody. My canines look like fangs, no joke.

Now it is my turn to tag five people. I tag Naomi Clark, S. William Shaw, Alexandra Wolfe, Heather Harper and Jamie Ford.

New Character

Merry Samhain to all my fellow witches out there. I’ve been busy finishing up SoM. I’ve made no changes but my wonderful agent wants me to extend the last chapter. No biggie. Because I can’t run, my contest until the first book is out I’m using Naomi Clark as a character in my next book.

Naomi has chosen to be a vashon and the romantic interest of Conner. When I do start running the pick your character winner that person will only be in one book. Naomi’s character will be a reoccurring Character.

I have to get back to work. Happy Halloween and be safe.

October 25, 2006


Well the writing portion of Storm of Magick is finished. Now I have to edit six chapters and the journal entry. I also have my fabulous CP editing it as we speak. She so totally rocks. I just love her. She got some short notice on the critiquing part of this. I was so happy she took the time to do look at it. She knows who she is and I just wanted her to know that I appreciate her.

I’ve been on a roll this week, on finishing this book. I can’t believe that I finished my second novel. I really want to keep the momentum up and get through these edits this week. Then I can mail the whole thing off to my agent who can’t wait to read the ending. Ricia's been chomping at the bit with waiting. Thanks Ricia!

As I said before started the research on the next book. Logan and I are sick of the snow and we are looking forward to spring. And, a whole new bunch of fun. Thanks everyone for all your well wishes during the final leg of this book. You guys are the best.

October 18, 2006

Doing Better

I’m on the last chapter. Well if you don’t count the journal entry at the end. Of course, I will have to edit the last five chapters. I feel good and totally happy that I’m so close to the end. I’ve already started the research on the next book. No time to rest but starting a new book is encouraging.

I’ll have to contact my CP to look at it over the weekend. She is so fabulous but she’s also a busy women. I haven’t had time to email her or anything.

October 08, 2006

Dark Clouds and All That!

I’m taking a break just to inform you of what’s going on. Two more chapters and editing then Storm of Magick will be done. I will email it to my CP and mail a copy to my fabulous agent. If all goes well she will be submitting it.

It hasn’t been a bowl of sunshine around here lately. It seems that my mind is fighting with itself to finish this book. I’m totally looking forward to the end. The family as well seems to be keeping me in a foul mood. Wouldn’t you just love to mute your husband if only for a month or two?

I don’t know but sometimes my characters are better company then real people. I have started doing a little research for my next book. Book 2- Black Market Magick. I like Logan am looking forward to spring. New characters, new season and new murders to solve. But, I’m totally looking forward to ghost hunting in this book. And a few more new things to introduce.