Tag I'm it!
I have, I think, a very interesting post for today, but first . . . I've been tagged by EJ Knapp. He is a dear friend from the forum Backspace. The tag he sent me? Write five interesting or unique things about me. I don’t know if I can come up with anything interesting about myself but here goes.
1. I’m a very superstitious person. I knock on wood, throw salt over my shoulder and will not walk under a ladder.
2. I’m scared of the dark and will not walk past a dark room and look in. I cannot watch the movie the Exorcist. It scares the piss out of me.
3. The Wizard of Oz use to scare me as a child. Especially the green witch. I had nightmares for a week after that.
4. I have on sense of smell at all.
5. I wouldn’t eat beef until the birth of my daughter. I like my steaks bloody. My canines look like fangs, no joke.
Now it is my turn to tag five people. I tag Naomi Clark, S. William Shaw, Alexandra Wolfe, Heather Harper and Jamie Ford.