September 24, 2007


Hey all, your friendly neighborhood horror writer here. My weekend was brimming over with research for the book I’m working on. As I mentioned before I love doing research and right now I’m reading this book, which by the way was self-published. The author John De Vito is fantastic. The name of the book is ‘The Devil’s Apocrypha- there are two sides to every story. If you get a chance, read it. It will leave you scratching your head.

My suggestion on buying research books. Is to get them from the library first to see if it has the information that you go back to again and again. I’ve made mistakes before in buying the wrong research material.

My fabulous, couldn’t get through a novel without you, critique partner, Naomi sent me her thoughts on The Trial. As usual very insightful. I have a lot of work to do but I think it will be a great read when I’m done.

September 14, 2007

New Scenery

Just your friendly neighborhood horror writer here. My post haven’t been much lately. Well I have a change of scenery and it’s not what you think. Ricia wants me to work on my other series. Which my Logan Wolf series takes place in Little Rock and Heaven and Hell series takes place in Las Vegas. I know what your thinking, Sin City and all that. Well here’s a description.

Demons beware! Diana, daughter of Archangel Michael has been sent to Earth to begin her final trials. As the only woman in training to be an Archangel, she must prove her worth. When she comes across Byleth, one of eighty Arch-demon, he puts her skills to the test, by raising the dead in the middle of Sin City. Diana must stop him and send him back to Hell before the humans learn of their kinds.

So what do you think?

September 10, 2007


Well your friendly neighborhood horror writer here; seeing that my last post was a bomb. I’m asking you the readers what interests you?

I was surfing the net one day and realized that there is a Con for everything.

September 04, 2007

You and your main character

If your main character in your novel were a real person, would you be friends? I have put so much of myself into ‘Logan Wolf and even Diana’ who is the mc in my other series Heaven and Hell. It would be a toss up if I would totally get along with Logan or if we wouldn’t be able to stand each other because we are too much alike.

I’ve been with Logan for six years. I try to put a lot of myself in her. But I have also put qualities into Logan that I wish I had. But a very important thing to remember is to leave your main character room to grow. We all change and grow it’s just a part of living. One thing that I strongly suggest is not to change you main character too much.

As in some series, changing your main character too much can kill your series. But, what is expectable?