September 04, 2007

You and your main character

If your main character in your novel were a real person, would you be friends? I have put so much of myself into ‘Logan Wolf and even Diana’ who is the mc in my other series Heaven and Hell. It would be a toss up if I would totally get along with Logan or if we wouldn’t be able to stand each other because we are too much alike.

I’ve been with Logan for six years. I try to put a lot of myself in her. But I have also put qualities into Logan that I wish I had. But a very important thing to remember is to leave your main character room to grow. We all change and grow it’s just a part of living. One thing that I strongly suggest is not to change you main character too much.

As in some series, changing your main character too much can kill your series. But, what is expectable?


At September 05, 2007 4:42 AM , Blogger Naomi said...

I think I'd be friends with Scarlett. Not so sure about Lizzie! I think it's definitely crucial to give your character room to develop - real people change so fictional people should too. Although of course, having a character grow is different from having them do a 180 and become a completely different person!

I never consciously put "myself" into a character. I'm sure occasional quirks creep through, but I think deliberately creating an avatar of yourself can put you at risk of having a Mary Sue.

At September 10, 2007 8:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lessee... Nika would drive me nuts, but she's a nice good person. Isis is a complete bitch, but she's fiercely loyal so it would be worth it to put up with her. Raven and I would be friends. That's why she scored so high on that "Is your character a MarySue" test. I heartily believe you can make a knowledgeable, powerful character that isn't a MarySue.

At September 10, 2007 10:21 PM , Blogger LA Burton said...

Naomi, I think no matter what the mc that a writer creates will have some of themselves in that character.


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