August 29, 2006


Not long ago I was accused of agent worship. And yes, I’m so totally guilty. My agent Ricia Mainhardt is phenomenal. We have discussed marketing, series changes and my work in general. If she can do for me what she did for LKH, I will be pleased a punch.

I have learned a lot from her during the editing process. I hope to learn more about the publishing side of the industry soon. There have been many questions about Ricia’s health. What I can say about that is she is doing great now. If you have questions about her please contact Ricia.

I am good friends with her and we have a lot in common. Which I think is important to have an agent who sees your book as something they would read out of the bookstore.

August 24, 2006

Chapter from Hell

I finally made it through a rewrite of half of a chapter. I had to make sure that it blended in with the end of the original chapter. It took a couple of days of decision making but I really like the change. Plus, it is more fun to write a fight scene than a sex scene.

School starts next Tuesday so I should be able to get back on course. School clothes are bought. Cool back pack and purse. Only four days left before the school bells ring but who’s counting.

August 16, 2006


Well it may not be the best time to do this. I’m slowly cutting back on my smoking and on my way to be nicotine free. I hip keep into revisions and it’s going great at times. I still count myself lucky for my kick-ass agent.

My daughter just turned twelve and had a pretty good party. They have never remembered her birthday. I’m trying too get passed it. I have lost close to twenty pounds but have more to go. In addition, school starts up in a couple of weeks so back to a schedule which I’m happy about.

I really have to push to get this book finished by the date that I set up for myself. So, it’s back to work.

August 08, 2006

Revision Land

I’m knee deep in revisions for Storm of Magick. I’ve learned a lot from my agent. She has helped me so much in the revision process. I hope to have the book finished and polished by October 1st. Then it’s on to the next step to becoming published.

Speaking about my agent. She has come up with some good ideas for marketing my series.

August 03, 2006


A great friend and writer needs your help. The people of the Underworld, which some refer to as creditors repoed his car. As we all know no one can really survive without a car. EJ needs his car for doctor appointments. EJ Knapp is selling short stories on his blog to raise the money to get his car back. He needs the money in 20 days to buy his car back. A bunch of fellow Backspacers have given him many short stories and poems.

Please spread the word, stop by and if possible please donate.