Not long ago I was accused of agent worship. And yes, I’m so totally guilty. My agent Ricia Mainhardt is phenomenal. We have discussed marketing, series changes and my work in general. If she can do for me what she did for LKH, I will be pleased a punch.
I have learned a lot from her during the editing process. I hope to learn more about the publishing side of the industry soon. There have been many questions about Ricia’s health. What I can say about that is she is doing great now. If you have questions about her please contact Ricia.
I am good friends with her and we have a lot in common. Which I think is important to have an agent who sees your book as something they would read out of the bookstore.
Hi, thanks for visiting me today.
Medina, Ohio, eh? Hello neighbor! I'm on a hilltop above the Ohio River in a tiny flyspeck town called Beallsville.
I ended my agent/client relationship with Harvey Klinger a few months ago. It put me in a depression for weeks, but if you don't have an agent who shares your vision for your work and one you click with, it's pointless to have them and can hurt your career. It's cool that you have such a great agent.
I'm back on that horrible query-go-round. Three agents have requested my material, but the infernal waiting is so old...LOL.
Hey Faith. I totally agree with you. Your agent and you have to have a similiar vision for your career.
Glad to see that you stopped by. Good luck with the query.
I'm glad that you and your agent have a good relationship. It's certainly important, and I hope I'm as lucky when I eventually get to that stage.
Nicole- you'll get your agent.
Michele-if Ricia likes your stuff she will call or email. don't worry about the envelope.
Getting someone to represent you is difficult enough, but finding that right someone has to be a good feeling.
No doubt Outlaw!!!!!!!!!!!
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