April 30, 2006

Career, witchcraft and short stories

I went Friday to see my dear friend, which by the way is a psychic. I’ve had many detours and speed bump in the last few months. Anyway, she says I should be hearing some good news in a couple of weeks. Am I the only one who uses unusual means to see an out-come of a long awaited answer? I read my tarots daily and do astrology to get through difficult waits. Does this sound weird?

I worked on a short story while my daughter was on break. It was longer then I expected. It seemed to just keep growing and growing. The story’s ending was a totally a surprise to me. My critiquing partner once told me that my short stories reminded him of the ‘Twilight Zone’. I thought that was too cool.

April 25, 2006


I just thought I would share a picture of my dog.

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April 23, 2006

Cover Art

I read several series, from both of Laurell K. Hamilton, Kim Harrison, Kelley Armstrong and Jim Butcher. The cover art on all of these books very. Even very from the beginning of the series to the 10th or 11th book. I love the old cover art. I think that there is a lot that can be done with drawing the picture then with a photo. For example: LKH’s- Anita Blake Series, I love the old covers I think they have more character to the book.

I think that a photographed picture is a cop out and even lazy way to do covers. Is it a new trend to have there types of covers out there? I know that this is more of a marketing tactic on the publishers end but I really don’t care for it. I doubt that I will be able to pick my cover art but maybe with strong suggestions on my part, I can bypass the photo route.

Does anyone have any opinions and/ or preferences on the subject? Which do you prefer, photo or drawn cover art? How much cost and thought goes into a book cover? I know when I pick up a book by someone that I’ve never read that the look of the cover has a lot to do with the decision of buying the book or not. Do you find that you do the same?

On a side note. I plant my magical herb garden this weekend, which I’ll probably regret doing. With my luck, it will probably frost. I totally enjoyed getting out of the house and working in my yard. I still have a lot of plans for my yard but I’m happy with what I got done.

April 19, 2006


Can a blurb by a famous author help sell your book? I believe it can- do you? Have you ever picked up a book and your favorite author says ‘it’s a great book’ do you buy it? I think that blurbs help widen you fan base. If a reader picks up your book and sees so and so enjoyed it, I think that you have a better chance of selling more books. Writer’s Digest- March 2005 issue has a great article- to be successful at blurb searching. It’s a must read article.

I have already set up myself to receive blurbs from three well-known authors. These great people were friends first and then I asked for a blurb. Even though I don’t have an agent yet, I figured it was nice to have them ready when I need them. I also want to touch on fan base, which I have had in mind from the beginning. I write my series with fans in mind and as a reader, I love to see the mc in danger. So, I have kept my mc in danger through out the novel and I have had readers comment about how my mc doesn’t get any rest.

Do you write for potential fans?

Who is your dream blurb from? Mine is Laurell K. Hamilton.

April 14, 2006

Blogs and more...

Sorry that I’ve been away, but I’ve been hard at work on ‘The Sandman’. It’s a short story and of course a horror. My daughter is on vacation this week so we’ve been busy having fun together. I just start working on my magical garden. It has fairies, gazing ball (purple) but I can’t start planting my herbs until the end of May.

One thing I wanted to touch on, is after you become publish, is it more important to keep your blog? Would printing your blog address in your book give your readers a chance to comment on your book and to get in touch with you. Any thought on the subject?

April 05, 2006


When my life is a mess, I’ve found that it spills over into my writing. It like clogs my creative process and I have to make the story come. I don’t like when I have to do this, because I know that it’s not my best writing. I’ve been having a hard time as it is, on account of the book that I’m working on hasn’t become second nature yet. The story or the characters are not very familiar to me; I’m still getting to know them.

Well when life is good, I can write forever but depression and anger seems to stifle my thoughts. Do any of you ever have this happen? If so what do you do to get things moving again? My writing group suggests writing a short story about it and I have.