November 13, 2007

Nano update

Hey all. I’m still alive just working, preparing my daughter for her class trip to Washington DC and get ready for the holidays. Just a quick mention about the WGA strike, I totally support the writers. I wish them all the luck in the world.

Nano is going well, I should be able to update you all soon. How is everyone else doing on his or her word count? I will know mine when I get all the words typed into the computer. I also wanted to inform you all that Kensington rejected Logan. Nevertheless, no tears we have several others to hear from. I’ll never give up on Logan. I truly believe that there’s a market for her.


At November 14, 2007 3:55 AM , Blogger Naomi said...

I fell behind this weekend, but hoping to make it up by Friday. Sorry about Kensington, but Logan will find a home somewhere!

At November 14, 2007 12:02 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

I'll be cheering you on! My word count is behind the NaNo benchmark by about 5000 words, but I'm sure I'll be able to catch up. Right now I'm concentrating on maintaining this pace.

Hope all goes well with you!

At November 14, 2007 1:48 PM , Blogger LA Burton said...

Good luck to us all.


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