Step into my Hell
The bragging and ranting about my characters and life.
August 30, 2007
August 22, 2007
I must have the next book!
In my last post, I touched on openings of your novel. And, how it must grab your reader by the balls. Well this post is on endings. This mostly pertains to series writers. How do you grab your reader so they want to buy your next book? In my series, I write a journal entry, which touches on my MC, having a feeling that something is up.
I try to mention about a reoccurring dream or the knowledge of a coming visitor. I have the next three novels planned out for the Logan Wolf Chronicles series. Which the order keeps changing. Over at Erica Orloff’s blog she touches on the issue of what in your life effects your characters. Well you all know that my cat died last month. In my novel, it translated into a death scene. I can’t go into it with out spoilers so I will stop there.
Back to the main idea. What makes you, the reader, coming back to the same series book after book?
August 15, 2007
Grab your reader
Hey all just your friendly neighborhood horror writer here. I’ve tried my best of the last couple of weeks to get my life back to normal. So, I’m to writing again. The birthday party was a success. And then school starts next week so I’ve been busy getting ready for that.
I’ve mentioned this before and I think that it’s very important. When starting your book always start with someone important doing something important. Now if you can do this with preferably a lot of action even better. But how do you know if its going to grab your reader? This is where your CP or writing group comes in. If you are going to start out the first book in a series with a lot of talking. In my honest opinion, you will lose that reader. Any thoughts on the subject?