Critique Partners
My critiquing partner I’ve known for a long time but just recently, we officially became partners. She is a wonderful partner and adds to my creativity. At first, we would read each other’s works and comment then she did the best edit of my novel for an agent. But, what else does a critique partner do?
She listens to me when I have a problem other then writing. She has encouraged me to keep going and never give up. She was there when I was having problems with a few people that I don’t mention anymore. We think a lot alike but there are enough differences that we compliment each other.
We have supported each other during moves, publishing short stories and we are friends. I feel privileged to work with her or even know her for that matter. She will be a best selling author someday soon.
What do you think about the critiquing partner subject?
My critiquing partner puts up with my computer malfunctions and reminds me when I should be working instead of daydreaming ;)
I forgot that one. A good partner keeps you motivated.
My CP lives over 3,000 miles away. But you're right the OWG is great but sometimes you need someone that follows your writing.
I have a few good friends in the OWG who have stuck with my story (and I with theirs) for the length of my time in the OWG. But I, too, would like someone local. Someone I could take out for a drink when one of us gets something sold. For the moment, though, the OWG is quite sufficient for me.
I think the most important thing a critiquing partner can do is to keep encouraging you push ahead because we all need that. I've found that having one male and one female critical viewpoint is helpful, to me at least, simply because we tend to see some things differently. My main partner is someone who is very well read, a tough critic, but knows how to approach it without ripping me to shreds!
cyberoutlaw, I never thought to have a male and female CP. I totally agree that we see things differently.
I love the pictures on you blog.
Jamie- I think if you get what you need from your CPs then you don't really have to be in the same generas. My CP is so I feel blessed.
I wish I could meet my CP but I'm happy just have her opinion. And she will be one of the first people I tell good news to, because if it wasn't for her, my novel wouldn't be as good as it is.
Shucks, I feel the same way about my crit partner, Lisa...
I go to a writer's group twice a month, which is great for getting feedback, but obviously it's not very regular feedback, so it's great to have someone you can email anytime you want a fresh view on something.
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