What Sells?
Okay so I’m still waiting to hear from an agent and I wondered ‘what sells’. Am I just trying to sell the wrong product at the wrong time? If enough time passes, doubt will root its way in and wreak havoc on your whole being. I have been toying with the idea for six months to write the perfect horror/fantasy YA series but it had to be just right. After several ideas that I thought was interesting but they kind of just lay there doing nothing.
But, today an idea started to form and characters started to take shape. I won’t give any hints until the novel is done but I think that it’s pretty damn good. After a few chapters, I will email it to my fantastic critiquing partner for her thoughts. I have to say that my husband helped me form this idea. He is an avid reader, which is an understatement and he’s great to bounce ideas off of.
I’ve been working on my Archangel series and it’s going slow but steady. I’m waiting to hear from a few ezines on a couple of short stories. So I’ll let you know when I know something.
Keep up the good work, Lisa!
It's just a matter of time...
Best Always,
Oooh, looking foward to hearing more about that!
I think first and foremost as writers, we have to write what we love. Trying to keep up with current trends in the market is all well and good, but if your writing lacks passion, what's the point?
Naomi exactly but what if what you're writing is very passionate but won't sell?
Glad to see you back!!: *
Hi Fran always good to see you. I will definitely keep working.
Nice to be back ^_^
There's a market out there for your writing - you've proved that with the two short stories you've had published. Keep the faith!
I'm sure it's been suggested before and you've thought of this yourself..but if it's a matter of keeping food on the table what about perhaps writing in a different milieux. Your a talented writer and could get work doing other types of creative writing. It's great practice and surely sharpens skills...all the while remaining true to your real passion.
Sorry if this has been broached before.
Stay well
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