I know you weren’t expecting to hear from me but here I am. Still working on fixing the family problem and the pounding headache says it’s time for some coffee…. I’m back with a cup of cappuccino. Hoping that it will help my headache.
Update- I’m making some progress on Storm of Magick. I’ll know by Friday if my schedule will be kept. Still smoke-free, exercising and in two weeks down eight more pounds. In the heat of stress I didn’t lite a cigarette, I stayed on my healthy program that I put myself on. So yea me!!!!!!!
Thank you, everyone for all you support it so totally helps.
Yay! I usually find it's good to be back. Hope you're doing well, and congrats on the smoke-free and healthy-ness! That's always exciting.
Kewl beans! Glad to hear you are hanging tough with the diet/exercise regime. Think of how wonderful you look, and also, how wonderful YOU LOOK INSIDE. Your health is making you glow! You will have a longer life, and believe me, from a two pack a day former smoker, it gets easier each day.
Have you heard back from your agent?
No nothing on that last editor, so I'm finishing the reformate and we are sending it out in April.
Waiting on editors seems like a never-ending process, doesn't it? lol. Congratulations on being smoke-free, and I hope things get back to normal for you soon.
Thanks Naomi. How about you, have you heard anything yet?
No rejections yet, and some discussion about whether the book would work better as YA. I had to email a copy to an editor at Random House on Monday, who's since passed it to a senior editor, so fingers crossed for that!
Huge good luck!!!!
Thanks ^-^ Hopefully neither of us will be waiting around much longer!
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