Little Voices
Okay so I’m a lot mope today. I still haven’t heard anything from the other publishing houses. Other then the rejection that I received. So what has me so down? Well first, my office is at the end of the house and doesn’t seem to hold heat well. At twelve degrees it’s cold and I don’t like being cold.
I’ve been trying to keep myself busy with reading blogs and with my WIP. But, in the back of my head, a little voice keeps badgering me. ‘You’re not good enough to be a published writer, LA. Why are you even expecting your novel to be bought.’ As with most writers, we get these little voices from time to time. Have you ever tried to ignore that voice? It’s not easy.
I need some encouraging words.
AWWW!! hang in there dear. You know it is always just when you think you cannot go another step that you find a sudden burst of energy. Well, think of this as a race. You have to finish. You have gone past the half-way mark already, just by getting an agent. So many of us face that incredibly hard journey still. To US, you are way ahead of the game.
Just know that no matter how long the road, how high the mountain, or deep the sea, you CAN do this. Heck you did the hard stuff already!!
Thanks Leary. I hate feeling sorry for myself but shit that's just where I am today.
Believe me, we ALL have these sorts of days. Sounds like a warm snuggly blanket and pillow and couchtime is in order.
Remember you have been ill lately and seriously when our physical resources fall below the minimum, everything else follows.
Be good to yourself. Treat yourself -- with a few indulgences. It's OKAY to do that. Women are notorious for NOT doing anything for ourselves.
YOU have my permission to be totally pitiful. Give in to that chocolate craving, or whatever your decadent desire is.
Go on... make yourself feel better. Then tomorrow, or the next day, get back on your routine. Get with the writing, believe that dreams come true. They do, EVERY day. And yours will too.
Leary are you a motivational speaker. ; ) THANKS!!!!!!
Don't feel down. Remember: Ricia has faith in you or she wouldn't have taken you on in the first place.
I have faith in you because I've read Storm of Magick and I know it's good.
Tell those little voices to shut up and go bother someone else.
Thanks Naomi, I'm feeling a little better. But I'd feel tons better if I heard some good news.
Waiting is the worst part ... I'm trying to keep myself busy so I don't have time to brood. Getting ready to move house is a good way to occupy time, lol.
You're totally entitled to feel disappointed, but don't let that drag you down too far. Waiting sucks, but all it takes is one acceptance to pop up. I'll be thinking of you! Good luck!
Thanks Richelle.
Just wanted to add another thought. My husband and I went down to the nearby casinoes this weekend to play for a while to celebrate his birthday. He kept trying different things trying to win. I kept being a major naysayer. "No, don't play that." or "No quit now." and finally it occured to me exactly the problem with us writers.
We loathe losing. It hurts, it stinks. And oftentimes for those who use their craft to pay bills, it can be a financial discomfort as well when rejections come.
But the up side is, it only takes ONE yes. Just one. And likewise, it only took one spin of the slot for my DH to win 400.00.
Publishing is like playing slots. It's never a sure thing, but you keep trying.
Hope you are on top of the world soon!!
Thanks Leary.
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