February 18, 2007

It's Me!

Hey all, it seems to be a ten day to two week pattern between posts. My daughter has been sick. First, it was a virus with a really bad cough, and then it was the stomach flu. That she kindly shared with me. Our internet went down with a big snowstorm that went through Tuesday last week. I have five-foot snowdrifts in my yard.

All and all it has been an interesting couple of weeks. I can honestly say that I’m sick of snow. And, I look forward to seeing spring come. In other news no word yet from the last editor. So, I’m hard at work on some revisions.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while. Say your series is bought by a huge publishing house. Then you are approached by producers. Would you rather see your series on the big screen or tv? Would you rather see your series as a comic or Anime? Me, I would rather see my series as a television series and Anime. I love Anime. I think the artwork is beautiful. What about you?


At February 18, 2007 4:46 PM , Blogger Kim Smith said...

Welcome back!!

hard to say on the serial thing... I think some books would do really well on the big screen. I am a professional videographer and have written, produced and directed a couple of indies. I would love to see my book as a big screen production.

I love anime too but do not think my girl would do well in that either.

Good questions!

At February 18, 2007 7:15 PM , Blogger Cyberoutlaw said...

Hmm...you'd probably get more money if your series was taken for the movies, as opposed to television, but this being a hypothetical, I'd take whatever I could get!

Glad we've had no five foot drifts in this area so far. Feel better!

At February 18, 2007 10:18 PM , Blogger LA Burton said...

I agree with outlaw. I'll take what I can get.

At February 19, 2007 3:20 AM , Blogger Naomi said...

I love anime, but I'd rather see my characters on the small screen with actors, if it happened at all. But then, once you've sold the rights, TV companies can do pretty much whatever they like with your ideas and I'm not sure I'd like that.

Of course, I wouldn't say no...


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