Movie or Not?
Another chapter down. The rest of the book is pretty much laid out. So it should go pretty smoothly. Other than writing, my day has been more or less shitty. I’m hoping things improve soon. What will make my year is when my agent pronounces it good enough to submit it to publishing houses.
The bad news is my agent still does not like the opening. One other minor detail to fix. So far, she likes what she has read.
It’s funny when writing the little movie the characters have playing in your head, how fast a chapter can go. Anyone else see their novel in movie form, in their head? How do your characters tell their story?
Thanks. Right now trying to work out describing when mc smells something. Not as easy as it sounds.
Thanks Michele. I have a CP she pretty much does all the read throughs. Although I have picked up a new beta reader. Finally I get a mans view on my story. As many of you alread know I don't mention who my CP or who my beta reader is.
I like to keep somethings on the down low.
Michelle- I have published a couple short stories. I'm also shopping a couple around. All my short stories are twist of fate.
I definitely visualise things - I have a lot of trouble writing outlines and synopsises (sp?) so I depend on my brain to supply the next scene for me!
Hope your day improved. I can sympathise. I have a week from hell.
The only thing I outline in my YA book. Logan will not me chained to an outline.
Seems like the rewrites and revisions are never done. I always find just one more thing that should be fixed...
Oh totally hear you about the movie, LA. When that camera is rolling, the words just flow.
Ain't visualization AMAZING?
Good luck with that opening. Tricky thing, innit?
Let's hope both our agents have good news for us, and SOON. :-)
I hear ya, Jackie. I'm going to talk to my agent later so we'll hammer something out. New character popped up. I love this little weremole. He's totally cool.
Michele- I have a couple of lists. Just don't have the time right now. ; (
"Weremole" -- sounds neat! Good luck with the agent phone call. Hopefully, there will be good news there.
I love when an idea slaps you across the face. Thanks Jax.
Have you ever had a character insist on being way, way more to the story than you'd planned? That happens to me. Freaking diva characters... LOL
S- the weremole is a hyper man. He so cool.
Jax- I haven't had that happen yet but Logan is overbearing sometimes.
milady- I've always wrote from the movie in my head. I don't know what I would do if I didn't.
S- I thought everyone wrote from the movie in their head. Come to find out it's rare. : p
Good answer!!!!
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