How I got my agent
Six years ago, I set out to be a writer. At first, it was a hobby then it turned serious four years into the process. I joined various forums trying to figure out what I was actually doing. About that time, I met Naomi my wonderful friend. We traded info and work many times.
After 3 years of development and writing my first book in my series was finished. There was a lot of discussion about how similar my work was to LKH. I went through and made changes. Shopped around for and agent, nothing. I put the book a side and started the second.
I changed my series several times went back to the first book. Again, I sent out queries and I had some nibbles. From top-tier agents at that. I refuse to give up on the series or me. July 13, 2006 I was getting so frustrated. At that time I was waiting to hear from and agent that had a full manuscript and a publishing house.
I stared at Ricia Mainhardt’s web site. I picked up the phone and called. To my surprise, someone answered the phone. And, not just anyone it was Ricia herself. I thought ‘wait you’re not supposed to answer the phone. I don’t know what to say. Especially to a huge agent.’ I got over that quick. I explained my situation and she said to email her the first couple of chapters. ‘I’ll get back to you Friday,’ she says.
I did exactly what she said and that was about 3:30 or 4:30. My head was totally spinning at that point. Around 7:00 the same day, she calls back. ‘I love it,’ she say’s. Okay I’m thinking I love this woman because she loves my work. She offered to represent me on the spot. That’s how I got my agent.
I want to remind everyone. A phone pitch isn’t always wanted or excepted. Do it your way.
So perseverence does pay off! Mind you, I know that - I've been writing since I was tiny. I used to buy packs of animal stickers and write stories about the pictures. I wrote two fantasy trilogies by the time I was 19. Unfortunately they were rubbish. But hey, it's all paying off now...
Nope I'm just hard headed. I started writing for myself when I was nine.
I think what I'm trying to say is never give up.
Fate was really on your side that day. It's good to know that there are agents who are willing to take a call. Incredible story.
Just curious. Had you published anything previously, stories, articles, things like that? Or was her interest based solely on your phone pitch?
Outlaw, I have had a couple short stories published. And a book review. But Ricia signed me solely on my series.
I think it's a encouraging tale! (I call it that because 'story' doesn't sound quite good enough =P )
I agree with Naomi, perseverence must pay off!
Now, I just need to start sending stuff out again =P
I have a stack of rejections about 3 inches high. At first it bummed me out. Then if it's a form rejection ya kind of learn to blow it off. But when you started getting written comment you see if there's a pattern. That might be a problem.
Remember rejections are part of the process. Good luck to all of you trying to find an agent. Just make sure you have a killer letter to send out.
Thanks S me too.
This is a rare case. Most literary agents don't even answer their own phone, lol. Seems as if the stars were aligned just right for you that day. Major cool.
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