July 31, 2008

My Office

I've told you that I have been remodling my office well, here are the pictures.

The new color on the wall is a shade of salmon. It's a lot better from the old 80's flower wallpaper. Me and my daughter pulled the wallpaper off. And I painted the walls because she lost intrest. There's also a new light that my husband put up you just can't see it. Over my desk you see pictuers of Logan and cast. You will also notice my desk is neat. I'm a neat freak I'll confess.

This bookshelf probably holds over 200 books. I've read many of them. My husband read them all and we still have some packed away. The bed onthe bool shelf is where my Jack Russell sleeps while I work. On the other side is Logan's picture Rain made for me.

The chair I recovered. It use to be a dirty tan and now it's a seinna without holes. Me and my husband put the wood floor down in an impressive 3 hours. And yes, there was cussing involved. And no it wasn't me!

All the books on this shelf is research and witch craft. I need more shelves. The fairy on the wall is stain glass. My husband is going to make a shelf to hold all my fairies, witches and wizard figurines that I have. So here it is, what do you think?


At August 01, 2008 4:40 AM , Blogger Naomi said...

Love the colour! It must be nice to have an actual study. My "study" is currently my bed. I need to get rid of my old PC so I can use my desk for something other than clutter and outdated electronics.

At August 13, 2008 9:49 AM , Blogger Kim Smith said...

How's the writing going? I was surfing through backspace member's websites and saw yours... :)

At August 13, 2008 7:17 PM , Blogger LA Burton said...

Hey kim. Yeah, I've been a member since Karen opened the door. Writing is going good I just have too much on my plate right now.

My daughter starts high school next week and remodeling my house.

At August 15, 2008 9:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of the color, but it's a great space! My writing space has expanded from a big red back pack that I put all my notes and stuff in to an end table and shelf with organizers and such. If you gave me a room I'd use it. We just don't have one. :)

At August 15, 2008 10:34 PM , Blogger LA Burton said...

It's not much but it's mine!

At August 17, 2008 10:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi LA,

How's life treating you? Just checking in to read your blog and say hi.


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