July 14, 2008

Busy summer

Wow, time has gotten away from me. Well, from scraping the first wall of floral wallpaper to making the curtains it has been around a month. It turned out like I wanted it to. With the cheery wall color to the hardwood floor, it doesn’t look like the same room. Next, is my daughter’s room, which I already started. I’ll post pictures soon.

Along with research for a new Logan Wolf Chronicles, which is screaming to get out. This book is called ‘Blood on the Moon’. If I can make it like I see it in my head, it’s going to be a great book. So, I’ve taken on working on two books. I don’t know why. Glutton for punishment I guess.

My daughter fell over the weekend and badly sprained her ankle. Its all swelled and pretty colors. Doctor said she would be well enough to go the zoo this coming weekend. Her birthday is also next month she’ll be fourteen. School will be starting again in a month, we have already gotten many of the things that she’s going to need. She very excited to be starting high school.

My fabulous CP, Naomi, blogged a while back about a reference book that was very helpful. I went out and bought it. ‘Plots and Structure’ by James Scott Bell. You need to get this book.
I’ll post about in my next blog and I will blog soon.


At July 15, 2008 5:13 AM , Blogger Naomi said...

More Logan, yay! Why is it that no matter how much we tell ourselves we'll only work on one project at a time, something else always creeps in? I'm writing a novella as well as redrafting Wild now. Not enough hours in the day. I've started getting up an hour earlier so I can cram in more writing time before work.

At July 15, 2008 9:50 AM , Blogger Kim Smith said...

I have been missing a bit too, but glad to see this post. Currently, working on my second book's edits, and plotting book three. It's been a very busy summer.

At July 15, 2008 1:12 PM , Blogger LA Burton said...

I don't think that I ever had such a busy summer before.

Naomi, I know what you mean. There's always more to write about.

Kim, good luck on your edits.


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