March 30, 2006

Comments & Criticism

Every writer needs to develop a thick skin, which totally includes me. Because all the feed back that you receive will not be good. I’m speaking for myself, only! After spending five years on developing characters, a good story line and many rewrites, my series feels like my baby. Then we protect that little bundle from everyone and everything.

Once you have polished your manuscript to the best of your ability, it’s time to get some feedback from your target audience. Now, sometimes it’s best to stay away from family members. (In my case) You need some constructive criticism not ‘it sucks’ from Uncle Bill. Look for a reader who loves your type of story. You need to have confidence in your ability to write, because if you don’t know no one will.

Okay, now you have several people reading your material and you’re looking forward to what they have to say. This is where the thick skin comes in. Six out of the seven says, that the pace is slow. Then, take a look at the pace. You may just need to pick it up. One person tells you that it’s the worst thing that they have ever read. Don’t worry about it unless it’s many people telling you this. Remember everyone will not love you work and that’s okay.

My advice, never stop writing and trying to be a published writer if that’s what you want.


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