March 07, 2006


I've been waiting to hear from an agent for 2 months and it's killing me. The only good news is that I got someone to read some of Realm of Relics and I've been wanting this person to read it for a very long time. I'm really looking forward to seeing what she has to say about it. I woke up yesterday with an awful chest cold that my daughter so graciously shared with me. I'm going to try to finish chapter 2 of The Trial, which is the first book in my Heaven and Hell Series.

I've been trying to stay positive and busy waiting to hear from the agent but it's extremely hard. Also some good news is that one of my favorite shows is returning at the end of the month, Ghost Hunters on the SciFi channel. I love Jason's attitude. Next week is my birthday, which will not be celebrated because no one ever remembers it. It only tells me that I need to reach my goal of becoming a published author.


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